
Giveaway on She {hearts} it ::iMO Camera Fashion::



 dress: swap party similar// "G" necklace: Maya similar //watch: fossil // vintage gold bracelet: thrifted//
 Panama hat: Gap sale similar//camera strap:iMo camera fashion// Red bangle::Dallas wholesale similar

Tonight was hot, rainy, and humid.
Perfect weather for the hubby to snap some pix of me for a blog post.
 I am such a last min diva.

This is our new backyard folks and we couldn't be more in love with it!
 The kids have the best time (well, depending on the activity and/or time of day.)
 South Texas heat is no joke!
We look forward to many family gatherings out there.
 Love being back in my home state, near all my family!
Are you living far from home, feeling the ache of being homesick?
I know that feeling well.
Seven years.
While we were away though, the Lord blessed us with good friends, that felt like family.
I sure miss those guys, but I've already made a couple of friends here that feel like forever friends.
God is good.

Be sure click on over to She {hearts} it, and enter my giveaway!
You could win a lovely camera strap from iMo Camera Fashion